January 2017
We are so excited to host the Click! Photography Festival this weekend at Anchorlight! There’s a lot going on and so many ways to take part in the fun.
Stop by and have a tin type portrait made by Leah Sobsey and Tim Telkamp’s Mobile Tin Type Unit Friday and Saturday 10am-4pm
On Sunday the 29th, during our Closing Party, we will exhibit the work Leah and Tim made shooting a series of tintype portraits throughout underserved neighborhoods and at Click! events.
Stick around Friday night for a presentation and short film by the crew that is bringing us the Big Polaroid 20x 24 camera. 7:00pm, free.
Join us Sunday 10/29 6pm-11pm for the festival wrap party! On view will be Instantaneous: A Polaroid Legacy and a pop-up exhibition by Leah Sobsey and Tim Telkamp.