APRIL 13 - APRIL 27, 2018
Generation Z is an art show created and curated by Southeast Raleigh High School students. From the creation of the theme, to the content of the exhibit, the students run the show. The show will contain work that reflects how the students view themselves, others, and the world in which they live.
This exhibition gives students an artistic voice in which they talk about the world they find themselves in, what adults expect of them, the problems they face and have inherited, and their responses to generalized criticism of their character. Generation Z is an age described as being comfortable with technology and always connected to social media. They are expected to provide the economic and social change that will fix issues many find suffocating, such as climate change, wealth inequality, gentrification and disaster capitalism, decreased buying/earning power, issues of resource scarcity, political and philosophical divisiveness and decreased civic engagement. Some predictions include increased obesity, decreased attention span, complacency, anxiety, and an even larger wealth gap: high paying jobs and low paying jobs with a largely deteriorated middle class. Others provide more optimistic critique expecting these young people to be extremely independent, creative, daring, action-oriented and visionary. This exhibition is an opportunity for students to share their own thoughts about their future, the world they are coming into, and the people they are expected to become.